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Highland Soccer

Coaching Course Fees & Payment Options

Course Payment
Active Start - $35
FUNdamental - $45
Learning to Train - $85
Soccer for Life - $85
Goalkeeper Level 1 - $70
C License Audit - $50
C License - $325
B License Part 1 - $325
Soccer Nova Scotia recommend that clubs encourage their coaches to pay online using PayPal and get reimbursed after completion. This is to assist and improve workshop attendance.
If a club would like to get invoiced directly, they must complete the form available. This form needs to include every coach in the club indenting to participate in their desired workshop listed, so we can approve their registration as we receive them on Coach Centre.
SNS is requesting one form submitted from each club due to administrative restrictions.
If a coach registers and selects the pay later option (thinking the club will pay) and SNS does not have a completed invoice, they will lose their seat within 24 hours of registering.

SNS Coach Training Scheduled for Antigonish May 4-5


Fall Coaching Clinics


Highland FC Winter registration is now Open!


HSL Summer 2018 Playoffs Info
